If you are reading this web page, the chances are you have some responsibility for getting your university or college towards your net-zero carbon target.
A report by The Climate Commission, published in 2020, encouraged the further and higher education sector to set ambitious net-zero carbon targets.
The Climate Commission, a unique partnership between Association of Colleges, EAUC – The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education, GuildHE and Universities UK, is coordinating action across the further and higher education sector to produce a clear, consistent and cohesive response to the climate emergency ahead of COP26.
Their recommendation is that universities should declare a climate emergency and set “challenging targets” to reach net-zero emissions by 2030, or 2050 at the latest.
The report goes on to say that to reach net-zero emissions by 2030, universities should lower and eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, consider onsite renewable energy, carbon capture and battery storage, and switch to zero-carbon energy suppliers.
It is all very well setting these ambitious targets, but where do you start? How are you supposed to achieve them?
To make the right decisions, you need the right information. That’s where we can help.
Our online services provide you with easy-to-understand information so that you can make the best decisions for your organisation.
OnGen offers a three-step process through OnGen Expert, OnEfficiency & OnSupply. Steps can be done holistically or separately.
Your organisation will be assigned a dedicated account manager, who will offer training support and guidance. Additionally, if your organisation is struggling for time, the Managed Service, where assessments are conducted by the OnGen team on your behalf, can be a great option.